Australia MyPost Shipping For WooCommerce


Australia MyPost Shipping For WooCommerce


Australia MyPost Shipping for WooCommerce and WordPress now enables small and medium-sized business owners like you to take their order-fulfillment to the next level and streamline the whole process. 
Keep up with the increasing on-demand shipments with our Australia MyPost that integrates with your WooCommerce backend seamlessly.


  • Shipment Tracking
  • Parcel Creation
  • Generate Shipment CSV
  • Multiple Shipping Options
  • Shipping Configurations
  • Delivery Signature
Secure &Stable Products
FREE LifetimeUpdates
30 DaysFree Support
30 DaysMoney Back

AppJetty is an official partner with Australia Post Shipping which enables us to develop robust extensions like this one for business owners like you. No more back and forth between Australia MyPost backend and WooCommerce backend. Our WooCommerce MyPost shipping module has features like CSV generation to handle bulk orders, order tracking, international & domestic configurations, custom rates, parcel creation, and more.

Integrate the power of WooCommerce MyPost shipping module today to grow customer satisfaction 10x folds!

Why Should You Use Our Australia MyPost Shipping For WooCommerce?


Seamless Shipping

Our WooCommerce MyPost Shipping Module allows configuring shipping processes and managing shipping options with easy backend integration. This reduces the manual work.

Shipment Tracking

Set transparent communication between you and your customers with shipment tracking.

Additional Services

Australia MyPost Shipping for WooCommerce provides additional features including CSV generation, delivery signature, multiple shipping services, etc. Through shipping services, you can manage domestic and international shipments. Using WooCommerce MyPost Shipping, you can stay abreast of your business.

Product Features


Shipping Configurations

You can get options like “Signature of Delivery for MyPost CSV”. You can even set item level packaging, generate CSV orders, and control every aspect of shipping as an Admin for MyPost CSV.

Multiple Shipping Services

Australia MyPost Shipping for WooCommerce enables you to manage domestic and international shipping services. Depending on the parcel, you can choose to enable international service. This gives you a better idea about the online orders.

Tracking Notifications

Along with shipment tracking, our WooCommerce MyPost Shipping extension provides you with notification features. This ensures that your customers are updated about their order status at each step.

Shipping Rates Configurations

You can keep default package attributes like weight and height and define the rates accordingly.




Points to Note

  • MyPost Business follows specific guidelines for some fields that you can refer from here.
  • Product units of measurement used in our plugin are Kg Weight and Length, Height and Width in cm.

Change Log

Version 2.3.0 : Apr 12, 2024
  • Enhancement: Compatible with PHP 8.2, WordPress 6.5 and Woocommerce 8.7
  • Fixed: Minor Bug fix in High Performance Order Storage.
  • Improvement: Extended Support for High Performance Order Storage and taking advantage of new Orders table.
Version 2.2.0 : Dec 20, 2023
  • Added: WordPress 6.4.2 and WooCommerce 8.3 Compatibility.
  • Added: Support For High Performance Order Storage.
  • Fixed PHP Warnings
Version 2.1.0 : June 21, 2023
  • WordPress 6.2.x and Woocommerce 7.8.x compatibility
  • Bug Fixing
Version 2.0.0 : March 11, 2022
  • WordPress 5.9.x and Woocommerce 6.2.x compatibility
  • Bug Fixing
Version 1.0.2 : October 01, 2021
  • WordPress 5.8.x and Woocommerce 5.7.x compatibility
  • Bug Fixing
Version 1.0.1 : April 09, 2021
  • Compatibly with wordpress 5.7.x and WooCommerce 5.1.x
Version 1.0.0 : September 02, 2020
  • Australia MyPost Shipping for WooCommerce was released.
WordPress 6.5.x, Woocommerce 8.7.x

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